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Makeup Fencing Classes

Makeup classes are when a fencer attends another class to make up for missing his/her regular class. In general, NJFA does not offer makeup classes. NJFA fencers constantly attend competitions and providing makeup classes for all of them is impossible. NJFA does not consider missing class while attending competition as a reason to request a makeup class.


NJFA does not guarantee the availability of makeup class options. However, NJFA will attempt to provide a makeup class if the fencer misses due to sickness (not vacation, competition, school activity, or another event). Make-up classes are specifically designated classes on Saturdays 8am to 1pm. No other class can be attended as a makeup.

Makeup classes can only be taken in the current season and while the student is an active member of one of the classes in NJFA, no roll-over will be permitted to the new season or when a fencer leaves NJFA. Season ends July 31st each year. No credit or refund will be given for any missed regular classes for which the makeup classes that were not taken in the current season or while being an active member of the NJFA .


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